2021.07至今英国正版365官方网站 讲师
2018.09-2021.06英国上市公司官网365水产养殖专业 农学博士
2015.08-2018.08内江师范学院生命科学学院 讲师
2011.09-2014.06四川农业大学水产养殖专业 农学硕士
2006.09-2010.06集美大学水产养殖学专业 农学学士
(1) Dengyue Yuan*, Bin Wang, Tao Tang, …, and Lijun Li. Characterization and evaluation of the tissue distribution of CRH, apelin, and GnRH2 reveal responses to feeding states in Schizothorax davidi. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021:1-18.
(2) Dengyue Yuan, Xuehui Chen, Haoran Gu, …, and Zhijian Wang*. Chromosomal genome of Triplophysa bleekeri provides insights into its evolution and environmental adaptation. GigaScience, 2020, 9(11): giaa132.
(3) Dengyue Yuan*, Xin Zhang, Bin Wang, …, and Zhiqiong Li. Effects of feeding status on nucb1 and nucb2A mRNA expression in the hypothalamus of Schizothorax davidi. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020: 1-16.
(4) Dengyue Yuan, Yundi Gao, Xin Zhang, …, and Zhiqiong Li*. NPY and NPY receptors in the central control of feeding and interactions with CART and MC4R in Siberian sturgeon. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2019, 284: 1-8.
(5) Dengyue Yuan, Rongbin Wei, Tao Wang, …, and Zhiqiong Li*. Appetite Reguation in Schizothorax prenanti by three CART Genes. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2015, 224: 194-204.
(6) Dengyue Yuan, Tao Wang, Chaowei Zhou, …, and Zhiqiong Li*. Leptin and Cholecystokinin in Schizothorax prenanti: molecular Cloning, tissue expression, and mRNA expression responses to periprandial changes and fasting. General and comparative endocrinology. 2014, 204: 13-24.
(7) Dengyue Yuan, Chaowei Zhou, TaoWang, …, and Zhiqiong Li*. Molecular characterization and tissue expression of peptide YY in Schizothorax prenanti: Effects of periprandial changes and fasting on expression in the hypothalamus. Regulatory Peptides. 2014, 190: 32-38.
(8)Rongbin Wei#, Dengyue Yuan# (并列第一), Chaowei Zhou,…, and Zhiqiong Li*. Cloning, distribution and effects of fasting status of melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) in Schizothorax prenanti. Gene. 2013, 532(1): 100-107.
(1)高原鳅适应性进化机制的研究及低温响应基因的筛选,重庆市研究生教育创新计划项目,项目编号: CYB19079,起止时间: 2019.6-2021.4,主持。
(2)重口裂腹鱼CRH基因摄食调控机制的研究,水产科学重庆市市级重点实验室开放课题基金项目,项目编号: klas-2017-01,起止时间: 2017.06-2018.12,主持。
担任《Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B》等期刊的审稿人。