2020.07至今 英国正版365官方网站 教授
2011.02-2020.06 英国上市公司官网365水产系、动物科学学院 历任讲师、副教授、教授
2016.08-2017.06新加坡国立老员工物系 访问学者
2007.09-2010.12湖南农业大学动物遗传育种与繁殖专业 博士
2004.09-2007.06四川农业大学动物遗传育种与繁殖专业 硕士
1999.09-2003.06四川农业大学水产养殖专业 学士
1. Hui Luo, Yu Li, Shuqing Zheng, Jian Zhou, Xinxi Zou, Chuangju Li, Huan Ye, Zhe Li, Chaowei Zhou, Guangjun Lv, Shijun Xiao,Hua Ye*. Identification of male sex-specific markers using genome re-sequencing in the Chinese longsnout catfishLeiocassis longirostris. Aquaculture. 2022, 558, 738392.
2.Chengyan Mou, Yu Li, Jian Zhou, Qiang Li, Bo Zhou, Zhen Wei, Hui Luo, Hongyu Ke, Yuanliang Duan, Wanting Zhai, Zhipeng Huang, Han Zhao, Zhong-Meng Zhao, Jun Du,Hua Ye*, Lu Zhang*. Genome-wide association study reveals growth-related markers and candidate genes for selection in Chinese longsnout catfish (Leiocassis longirostris). Aquaculture. 2022, 560, 738513.
3. Zhe Li,XuesongDu,Luting Wen,Yu Li,Junqi Qin,Zhong Chen,Yin Huang,Xia Wu,Hui Luo,Yong Lin,Hua Ye*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the involvement of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in the regulation of muscle growth of rice flower carp.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 2022, 41, 100948.
4. Wen-Ping He, Jian Zhou, Zhe Li, Ting-Sen Jing, Chun-Hua Li, Yue-Jing Yang, Meng-Bin Xiang, Chao-Wei Zhou, Guang-Jun Lv, Hong-Yan Xu, Hui Luo,Hua Ye*. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the Chinese longsnout catfishLeiocassis longirostris. Zool Res. 2021, 42, 417–422.
5. Luo, H.; Liu, H.; Zhang, J.; Hu, B.; Zhou, C.; Xiang, M.; Yang, Y.; Zhou, M.; Jing, T.; Li, Z.; Zhou, X.; Lv, G.; He, W.; Zeng, B,; Xiao, S. *; Li, Q. *;Ye, H*. Full-length transcript sequencing accelerates the transcriptome research ofGymnocypris namensis, an iconic fish of the Tibetan Plateau. Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 9668.
6. Zhao, W.; Zhou, J.; Li Z.; Jing,T.; Zhao, L.;Ye, H*.Characterization of 55 SNP markers in Chinese longsnout catfishLeriocassis Longirostris.Conserv. Genet. Resour. 2020, 12, 427–432.
7. Luo Lei, Xingxing Deng, Dengyue Yuan, Zonglin Zheng, Chengke Zhu, Hui Luo, Baohai Li,Hua Ye,*and Chaowei Zhou *. Molecular cloning and function characterization in feeding of neuropeptide Y in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio)" . Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2019, 1017–1025.
8. Ye, H.; Lin, Q.; Luo, H*. Applications of transcriptomics and proteomics in understanding fish immunity. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018, 77, 319–327.
9. Ye, H.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, C.; Zhu, C.; Yang, Y.; Xiang, M.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, J*.; Luo, H*. De novo assembly ofSchizothorax waltonitranscriptome to identify immune-related genes and microsatellite markers. RSC Adv. 2018, 8, 13945–13953.
10. Ye, H*.; Xiao, S.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, C.; Hu, B.; Lv, C.; Zheng, S.; Luo, H*. Characterization of Spleen Transcriptome ofSchizothorax prenantiduringAeromonas hydrophilaInfection. Mar. Biotechnol. 2018, 20, 246–256.
11. Zhou, J.; Zhou, B.; Li, Q.; Zhang, L.; Du, J. *;Ye H.*. Isolation and characterization of 33 EST-SNP markers inSchizothorax prenanti. Conserv. Genet. Resour. 2017, 10, 205–207.
12. Luo, H.#;Ye, H.#; Xiao, S.; He, W.; Zheng, S.; Wang, X. *; Wang, Z*. Development of SNP markers associated with immune-related genes ofSchizothorax prenanti. Conserv. Genet. Resour. 2016, 8, 223–226.
13. Luo H#, Xiao S#,Ye H#, Zhang Z, Lv C, Zheng S *, Wang Z *, Wang X*. Identification of Immune-Related Genes and Development of SSR/SNP Markers from the Spleen Transcriptome ofSchizothorax prenanti. PloS One. 2016, 11, e0152572.
14.Ye H, Liu Y, Liu X, Wang X, Wang Z*. Genetic Mapping and QTL Analysis of Growth Traits in the Large Yellow CroakerLarimichthys crocea. Mar. Biotechnol. 2014, 16, 729–738.
15. Ye H, Wang XQ, Gao TX, Wang ZY*. EST-derived microsatellites in Pseudosciaena crocea and their applicability to related species. Acta Oceanol Sin. 2010, 29(6): 83–91.
16.Ye H, Ren P, Zhao GT, Yue GH, Wang ZY*. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea. Acta Oceanol Sin. 2012, 31(4): 149–153.
17. 李哲,李雨,敬庭森,刘小莉,闫卉果,陆安帅,周剑,罗辉,叶华*.长吻鮠单核苷酸多态性标记与生长性状关联分析.渔业科学进展. 2022, 43, 127–135.
18. 李哲,敬庭森,李雨,陆安帅,周剑,罗辉,叶华*.长吻鮠形态性状对体质量的影响.渔业科学进展. 2021, 42, 98–105.
19.杨月静,向梦斌,叶祥益,张争世,罗辉,叶华*.齐口裂腹鱼SNP标记与生长性状的关联分析.中国水产科学, 2018, 278–285.
20. 张争世,胡冰洁,叶祥益,刘桂嘉,郑曙明,叶华*.基于mtDNA Cyt b序列分析齐口裂腹鱼群体遗传多样性.水生生物学报. 2017, 609–616.
21. 黄正澜懿,陈世静,张争世,向梦斌,罗辉,叶华*.热应激对齐口裂腹鱼非特异性免疫功能及细胞凋亡的影响.水生生物学报. 2016, 1152–1157.
22. 罗辉,叶华,肖世俊,郑曙明,王晓清,王志勇*.转录组学技术在水产动物研究中的运用。水产学报. 2015, 39(4): 598–607.
23. 叶华,刘洋,刘贤德,王志勇*.大黄鱼微卫星标记与生长性状的相关分析。英国上市公司官网365学报(自然科学版). 2014, 36(3): 1–7.
24. 叶华,任鹏,刘洋,刘贤德,王志勇*.大黄鱼微卫星标记的开发及其遗传方式分析.水生生物学报. 2012,36(6):1156–1163.
25. 叶华,王志勇*.水产动物遗传连锁图谱构建和QTL 研究现状.海洋科学. 2011,35(1): 105–110.
1.叶华,罗辉,张争世,周朝伟,朱成科. 齐口裂腹鱼细菌性败血症关联的SNP标记及其应用. ZL201710356150.X, 2019-06-14
2.叶华,罗辉,周朝伟,杨月静,张争世,向梦斌. 齐口裂腹鱼生长速度相关的SNP标记及其应用. ZL201611187467.7,2019-07-26
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